A Statement from the Women’s Center
Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of legal precedent governing decisions related to bodily autonomy and reproductive choice. This decision will have long-term impacts on the pursuit of gender equity and social justice in this country.
The Women’s Center was founded over 30 years ago with a focus to bring awareness and advocacy related to advancing gender equity as well as equity and justice for all. Despite progress towards gender equity that has been made in some areas, we know that our purpose is as relevant today as it was at our founding. We will continue to be a source of support and information to our community, including providing education and spaces to discuss ways in which policy decisions affect gender equity, especially for those at the intersections of multiple marginalized identities.
For many, this decision has elicited a wide range of emotions. We know that we are yet to see the full range of ramifications, including what will happen here in North Carolina as a result of the authority related to abortion rights shifting to the states. This uncertainty is weighing on the hearts and minds of so many right now. In all of this, know that you are not alone.
Together, we can keep working to advance gender equity in both big and small ways. We can make our voices heard. We can take time to educate ourselves and others. We can show up for each other.
But if today you need to rest, that’s okay too. The work to advance gender equity and social justice for all is long and difficult, but know that we will be at it today, tomorrow, and every day until that vision is realized.
In solidarity,
NC State Women’s Center
- NC State Counseling Center (students): 919-515-2423
- Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (employees): 866-467-0467
About the NC State Women’s Center:
The goal of the Women’s Center is to amplify the voices of students across all intersectional identities, including gender, race, ethnicity, ability, class, and sexual orientation. We use our space to create an inclusive community that empowers student leaders to transform campus climate through education, advocacy, support and leadership development. We create programs and events to critically examine, disrupt, and dismantle systems of oppression that create barriers to gender equity and social justice, including interpersonal violence. To this end, we educate and collaborate with all members of our NC State community, including faculty and staff, to take responsibility for transforming an environment that produces gender inequities, social injustice, and interpersonal violence.
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