Women’s Center Library
The Women’s Center has a lending library of over 500 books from feminist and women writers around the world. Our collection includes: contemporary feminist theory, contemporary memoir, feminist and women’s literature such as novels, poetry, and graphic novels. In addition, there are academic books covering global women’s history, transnational feminism, American feminist history, and sexual violence prevention.
Each month, the Center does a display of recommended books. Check out our book recommendations for Domestic Violence Awareness, Stalking Awareness, and Sexual Assault Awareness Months!
If you’d like to search our catalog, you can browse the NC State Libraries catalog. For the most up-to-date information, including whether a book is checked in or out, go to our TinyCat catalog.
You can check out any book in the library for a month and renew for up to two months. Return your book at the desk.
If you’d like to recommend books for inclusion or have some contemporary books you’d like to donate, please emails us at womens-center@ncsu.edu.